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Signal Modelling

Inversion Recovery

NeuroPoly Lab, Polytechnique Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The steady-state longitudinal magnetization of an inversion recovery experiment can be derived from the Bloch equations for the pulse sequence {θ180\theta_{180}TIθ180\theta_{180} – (TR-TI)}, and is given by:

Mz(TI)=M01cos(θ180)eTRT1[1cos(θ180)]eTIT11cos(θ180)cos(θ90)eTRT1M_{z}(TI) = M_0 \frac{1-\text{cos}(\theta_{180})e^{- \frac{TR}{T_1}} -[1-\text{cos}(\theta_{180})]e^{- \frac{TI}{T_1}}}{1 - \text{cos}(\theta_{180}) \text{cos}(\theta_{90}) e^{- \frac{TR}{T_1}}}

where MzM_{z} is the longitudinal magnetization prior to the θ90\theta_{90} pulse. If the in-phase real signal is desired, it can be calculated by multiplying Eq. 2.1 by ksin(θ90)eTE/T2k \text{sin}\left( \theta_{90} \right ) e^{-TE/T_{2}}, where kk is a constant. This general equation can be simplified by grouping together the constants for each measurements regardless of their values (i.e. at each TI, same TE and θ90\theta_{90} are used) and assuming an ideal inversion pulse:

Mz(TI)=C(12eTIT1+eTRT1)M_z(TI) = C(1-2e^{- \frac{TI}{T_1}} + e^{- \frac{TR}{T_1}})

where the first three terms and the denominator of Eq. 2.1 have been grouped together into the constant CC. If the experiment is designed such that TR is long enough to allow for full relaxation of the magnetization (TR > 5_T_1), we can do an additional approximation by dropping the last term in Eq. 2.2:

Mz(TI)=C(12eTIT1)M_z(TI) = C(1-2e^{- \frac{TI}{T_1}})

The simplicity of the signal model described by Eq. 2.3, both in its equation and experimental implementation, has made it the most widely used equation to describe the signal evolution in an inversion recovery T1 mapping experiment. The magnetization curves are plotted in Figure 2.2 for approximate T1 values of three different tissues in the brain. Note that in many practical implementations, magnitude-only images are acquired, so the signal measured would be proportional to the absolute value of Eq. 2.3.


Figure 2.2:Inversion recovery curves (Eq. 2.2) for three different T1 values, approximating the main types of tissue in the brain.

Practically, Eq. 2.1 is the better choice for simulating the signal of an inversion recovery experiment, as the TRs are often chosen to be greater than 5_T_1 of the tissue-of-interest, which rarely coincides with the longest T1 present (e.g. TR may be sufficiently long for white matter, but not for CSF which could also be present in the volume). Eq. 2.3 also assumes ideal inversion pulses, which is rarely the case due to slice profile effects. Figure 2.3 displays the inversion recovery signal magnitude (complete relaxation normalized to 1) of an experiment with TR = 5 s and T1 values ranging between 250 ms to 5 s, calculated using both equations.


Figure 2.3:Signal recovery curves simulated using Eq. 2.3 (solid) and Eq. 2.1 (dotted) with a TR = 5 s for T1 values ranging between 0.25 to 5 s.